Sunday, July 2, 2017

I am waiting on my new companion - Elder Hansen from Salt Lake City


This week was really hot and rainy. That seems to be the weather lately. So me and Elder Hongvilai had a really fun time trying to avoid the rain and not get to sunburned at the same time. There's also been lots of lightning. Elder Hongvilai doesn't like thunder or lightning or rain... so we have to hide a lot when that happens. Which is okay, because usually people don't really want to talk to us in the rain. We've been having a really hard time finding people, mostly because people are disappearing for summer break. It's finally summer for the kids in Taiwan but the thing is that many of them still have school and cram school and stuff. I feel bad for them... no time to relax.

As for the work around here... Most of our investigators are disappearing and not really progressing. Many of them just have strange problems that we're not really sure how to solve. So we're going to keep trying.We also saw a lot of success early this week. We were able to contact some people really quick on Monday and it was really cool, but unfortunately they all didn't show up to their scheduled appointments, so that sucks.

Our most progressing investigator is Jeremy. He's ready to get baptized. He's had all of the lessons, but for some reason he just cannot give up playing basketball on Sundays. He loves basketball, hence why he's called Jeremy as in Jeremy Lin. So, if he can quit playing basketball on Sunday and come to church he can get baptized. He believes all of it and even calls himself a Mormon, but he just can't seem to get over this problem.

For P-day we went to a waterfall, but I'll have to send the pictures later. It was really cool and pretty. I felt like I was in Jurassic Park. 

I love you all so very much! I'm sorry I don't have a lot to write! Elder Hongvilai got transferred, and I am waiting on my new companion to arrive - Elder Hansen.  He is from Salt Lake City.

I hope you have a great week!

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