Hello! Hello!
Wow, that's pretty weird that Justin Russell is home. Time goes by quick.
Wow, sounds like a crazy week though hahaha!
Yeah this week was not that interesting to be honest. We're still just trying to find some more people to teach. On Monday we went to Harbor. It's a super fancy all you can eat place. It's really good but really expensive fortunately ours was paid for by a returned missionary's family. So that was really nice. Elder Fuller was there and we had a great time eating plates and plates of food and just laughing at everything. We even got a "sweet" photo together.

After that the rest of the week went by relatively fast. We spent most of our time contacting. But, I've found I really like contacting with Elder Hansen. Elder Hansen just likes to mess with people sometimes and I think it's so funny. So here's a story. We were contacting at the MRT station and we came across this guy. He was telling us how he came to Daliao looking for a girl and how she will hide from him and send him FB messages but she will never reveal herself. So he decided that he would travel from Taibei to Daliao looking for this girl one last time. He said that last time he came down here she freaked him out really bad because he was at a night market and she saw him but he didn't see her. He said that she stalks him and stuff. But the more he was talking the more I was like.... I think you're the weird one here.... Then Elder Hansen must have telepathically gotten the same impression so Elder Hansen started waving to all of the girls that would pass by and he started asking him like, "Hey! HEY! Do you know her? Who is that? HEY who is that?" Hahaha.. Then Elder Hansen starts pointing at the ceiling of the MRT station and says, "OH FREAK. WOW." And then he freaked out and jumped a little and was like, "W-w-w-what?!" I had to hold back so much laughter. He was by far one of the most paranoid people I have ever met...
Other than paranoid people we've been trying to work with the ward more and trying to make an effort to visit the members. So we made small little cards and then we write them messages and deliver it to them. It's been really fun and now I love to write in Chinese. I think it's a little bit relaxing.
Daliao has also had a lot of storms lately. The pattern usually follows as this, The morning is scorching hot and not a cloud in the sky then as it approaches 5 PM huge monster storm clouds roll in a rain and lighting. So I have lots of pretty pictures this week...
Today for P-Day we're going to KenDing......again! Hahaha
I love you all so very much!
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