Sunday, April 16, 2017

My new comp is very fun and interesting


So things are pretty different now. My new comp is very fun and interesting. As for communication it's not too bad. Although there's a lot of times I can't really understand his English or Chinese. We use a weird mix of English and Chinese to talk. I've also been learning Thai to get on his level. I only know how to say really basic things but it's pretty fun. He think it's hilarious when I say weird stuff in Thai. As for reading Thai, no thanks. This week was just an average week we just have been finding a lot and teaching our few investigators. They're all really good. We have 3 people on track to be baptized this transfer and probably some others later on as well. Our leading investigator is Arty. He's the son of a member he's 13. He's a really nice kid a little ADD. So it's hard to teach him sometimes but he really likes missionaries. I think he secretly wants to be a missionary when he's older. He always steals my bike and rides it after our appointments. He also likes to call us and talk about random stuff. He's a really good kid. I think he'll eventually get baptized. He just as a problem coming to church because he likes to sleep. Sounds familiar. Nothing really funny or interesting happened this week. Elder Hongvilai made a slamming Cheese cake. that was really good hahaha.

We really like to eat fried rice here.

I don't really have a lot to write about today hahaha sorry.

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