This is my first week in Gaoxiong. It's been really really....interesting to say the least. My first days in Daliao have been really good but really weird. The south of Taiwan is really different in my aspects. The people on the streets here are very nice and willing to talk usually. Which has been a little hard for me to get used too. We have tons of stuff going on in our area. We have tons of investigators and potentials. One of our potentials is an Army Sniper. We run across a ton of military guys because we live close to a military academy. It's been really fun down here. Everything is more ghetto but it's hilarious. There's tons of crazy people. On my second day we got followed by a weird guy for like 30 minutes. Then the next day we had a 70 year old man walk into the church, shake my hand and then without speaking just left....? It was weird. Me and Elder Miller just laugh though.
I love Elder Miller. He's super dope. We just instantly got along right when we met and then from there we've already been joking around and laughing basically every 30 minutes. Apparently, he thinks I'm hilarious so he just laughs and laughs and laughs. I thought it was fake pity laughs initially but it's actually legit. We usually stay up laughing and talking about the military until 1:00 AM every night. He's been telling me all of his Air For ce Academy stories. He's got some good ones. Air Force Academy sounds super awful sometimes though.
Our Ward Mission Leader is a guy from Utah. He's pretty interesting. He's an English teacher with his wife. He's been living in Taiwan for a little while. He doesn't speak any Chinese. So it's kind of hard for him to work with the ward. Our first meet he told me about some stories and then proceeded to start swearing... So that was interesting.
This week our apartment complex caught on fire. There's a small breakfast shop we eat at every morning and I guess at 2:00 AM it caught on fire. I guess a message came over the intercoms telling us to be careful and stuff. Hilariously, me and Elder Miller slept through the whole thing. We woke up and a white girl who's crazy/LA/weird that lives in our apartment complex told us about it the next morning. Unfortunately before we could get our cameras they were already cleaning it up.
English class is really weird here. I'm not a fan of the new English program. It kind of sucks, but whatever. Me and Elder Miller have to manage the whole class on Wednesday. So it's a little bit of a struggle. But something hilarious happened. So we have this guy named Yogi in our English class who's really weird. We ran out of material to teach so we started to play hang man. The word was like registered mail or something. So we picked on Yogi to give us a letter. After maybe 10 minutes of thinking about it and us just saying over and over, "Give. Us. A letter." He just comes up to the board. Grabs the marker and starts to write Discriminate..... The lessons was about the Post Office... But since Discriminate doesn't fit he wrote the first couple of letters and then ADDED a space. It was so funny. Me and Elder Miller could not get it together. We laughed for like an hour.
We might be getting a baptism this week. We're teaching a Lin Jie Mie. She's pretty cool and she sells houses in Gaoxiong. She's had all of the lessons but she just doubts that's shes received an answer... So she has a 50 % chance of getting baptized on Saturday.. She's passed the baptismal interview and everything she's..... just really frustrating... Anyway that's my week! Glad you're all still alive. When's spring break?
I love you!
P.S., Today for P-Day we're going to a giant Buddha. Fo Guan Shan.
P.P.S., I got my new bike on Saturday! It's good! Way better than my other one.
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