Here in Taiwan it was another uneventful week. On the bright side we got one lesson and a new investigator. His name is David. He's pretty cool. He served in the Army for over 30 years. His English is not bad either. He's really nice and he loves missionaries. We're set up to meet with him tomorrow. So, should be fun. But yeah, most of the week was just contacting and stuff. But, surprisingly I had a good time. It was fun just to ride around and talk to people. Me and Elder Meanea spent most the time laughing and talking about movies while we worked. I'm pretty used to things now I guess. I don't know. The weather was also really good. It was nice and sunny.
We actually had a lot of potentials and investigators drop us. This week we had an investigator who we had already dropped drive up to us and tell us that he didn't want to meet with us anymore, because he's not really looking for religion right now. I was nice to him and stuff, but he was just incredibly butt hurt about it and awkward... I didn't even really care too much, but he thought I was going to be really mad and upset... I just smiled and told him that if he ever changes his mind he knows our number and knows where the church is. I think he'll get baptized one day. Oh well.
On top of that, our sisters put together a restoration fireside. It was pretty good, but the turnout was pretty awful. 95% of the audience was all members, which was kind of awkward, because the fireside was aimed at non-members. So, we're up there inviting members to read the Book of Mormon to know it's true. It was really weird to get in front of everyone and speak in Chinese to the masses of people..Afterwards there were these really weird rice cookie things. It was fun to joke around with the members and stuff.
The other day while doing some studies, I got a surprise call from some members in 清水 QingShui. It was really funny to talk to them again. It was really weird though, because I could actually understand them and stuff. It was fun to laugh with them! They're super awesome, and I miss them a lot! They asked me when I was coming back to 清水 QingShui.
On Saturday night, we went and ate dinner with our zone leaders, Elder Wilkinson and Elder Hsu. We went to 一中街 which is like a night market. It has really good food and every time we go we get 冬梅茶 and 雞排. The JiPai is really unhealthy but it's so freaking good. Definitely has MSG on it.
For P-day today, we're going to Sun Moon Lake. We have a member named Daniel that's taking us. He's really cool, and he'll be going to BYU this spring.
Anyway, that's all I got this week! I love you all so very much!
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