Mom's door looks really good!!
Sounds like you're both enjoying being empty nesters. That's got to be nice to just not have to worry about kids anymore and do whatever.
Happy to hear Kayleigh is doing well in tennis. So what is everyone up to?
Yeah this week we had a typhoon. So I had heard from a few people that there was going to be a Typhoon but usually people WAY over exaggerate these Typhoons and treat it like everything is going to get smashed. So me and my companion basically said "不用,谢谢!" So the next morning we woke up did some studies and were hearing all these weird noises outside. But it didn't really click for us. So then we're like, "alright let's go out and work." We get all the way downstairs and it's just raining really hard. So we're like whatever. Then we get on our bikes and start riding down our street. We didn't even have to peddle. We were flying down the street super fast. Then we turned down a street and got rekt. It was a straight up wind tunnel. We couldn't peddle our bikes our anything. It was honestly kind of scary. I was laughing so hard the entire time. We had all these Taiwanese people telling us to go home and stop trying, which made me laugh even more. It was really fun. Then we went home and spent the day cleaning and laying around. It was pretty nice. It was like 2 P-Day's in a row. At night the typhoon had passed so we went out and worked. No one was out and it was very unproductive. We just ran around looking at all the broken stuff. There was buildings that had their giant signs slammed into them and smashed cars from branches. It was pretty bad. But yeah, that's basically it for the typhoon. I enjoyed it.
Basically all we did this week was contact. Most of our investigators have dropped us and disappeared. So we hit the streets everyday for like 7-8 hours looking for people and getting rejected. All admit it's very discouraging sometimes. Most people won't even talk to us. So you'll ride up to someone and it'll go like this:
Me: "Hey hello."
Them: "......Hey."
Me: "Where are you going?"
Me: "Awesome, do you live arou-"
That's pretty much how 90% of my contacts go. It's really hard. We've been struggling to find people but we've had some good times. We both get along pretty well and like to laugh a lot. Elder Hatch is pretty cool.
Me: "Hey hello."
Them: "......Hey."
Me: "Where are you going?"
Me: "Awesome, do you live arou-"
That's pretty much how 90% of my contacts go. It's really hard. We've been struggling to find people but we've had some good times. We both get along pretty well and like to laugh a lot. Elder Hatch is pretty cool.
That's all I've really got for this week.
It's weird to think I've been out on my mission for 8 months. Tyson in Jakarata Indonesia only has 8 months left on his mission then he'll be home.. That's so crazy.
As for the package... American cereal would be good, candy in general would be good. I can probably buy the speakers here. Anything electronic is really cheap here. So don't worry about it. I'll get it figured out.
I love you all so very much!
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