Sunday, July 10, 2016

Typhoon Nepartak missed us, but Hunter Anderson didn't!!!


Yeah the Typhoon was a joke! We were riding around the night before the typhoon. Everyone we talked to was like warning us. They were all freaking out and telling us to get inside right now. I'll admit it was a little scary talking to everyone and being told that I need to be inside or I was going to die. But we continued to work through the night. It was pretty scary because there were these gusts of wind and I was expecting to be slammed down or hit with something. But we got home safe and everything. Then we basically got house arrested and were told to stay in for the night and next day. So we planned all of our things for indoor activities like cleaning and area book stuff. So I was excited. Then we went to sleep and woke up!.......It was just super calm. No wind. No rain. Just another day in Taiwan. The Typhoon wasn't even going to hit our area. So we got permission to leave and continue on with the work.

Yeah so Hunter came and saw me on Sunday! It was super weird and a super surprise. I was waiting for our investigators to show up then I see this white guy get out of one of the cars in the parking lot and I'm like, "What the....Is that Hunter!?" He walked in and my brain exploded. I was so weirded out. It was like a mini coming home. It was cool to talk to Hunter. Oh yeah, and my friend Scott in the ward is his old recent convert! I had no idea. So he just randomly showed up because his recent convert is in my ward.... So he had no idea I was there. Then he walked in saw me and was like, "Oh man..." Hahaha! It was fun to talk to him and he met some of my investigators. He even participated in one of our lessons. His Chinese is really good! He told me that I'll be...I don't know the English... "PeiKe-ing" lessons for Chinese people back home all the time.

This week we contacted a lot of people from Vietnam. Since we're pretty close with the Vietnamese lady who cooks our fried rice almost everyday. We've been telling them to meet us there at the shop so we can have her translate from Chinese to Vietnamese. She's been teaching us small phrases and words in Vietnamese! I love it! I want to visit Vietnam sometime! But then we showed up one day and basically everyone of the Vietnamese people we've contacted are sitting in their eating and drinking beer, so they already knew where the store was and everything! Hahaha! But it was fun to talk to them. Their Chinese is slightly better than mine... So..... I don't know,  I really want to teach them though! Hahaha! I love them because they're super funny for some reason!

We set a couple of our investigators up for baptismal dates... We will definitely be baptizing a little girl here soon. She's super funny! She's about 10 years old and so we have to teach her the lessons. But it's a little different because we have to teach it to a little kid... So it's actually really hard! But super fun! We always end up laughing really hard during the lessons. Mostly because our Chinese just stops working. Sometimes I'll be speaking English and I'll be like, "Hey man, Ni Jueda Ni Keyi bangzhu wo a second ma? Thanks man." Or it'll be the opposite. My brain is weird now.... I'm not sure how I feel about it.  It's getting to be more convenient to talk to my companion in Chinese than English.

All in all good week! 

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