Sunday, May 15, 2016

My week was really good. Really expensive but really good.

Hello family!

Sounds like you had a pretty crazy week! It was really interesting to see Ale perform in that Colombian dance. Yeah, I've forgotten what Spanish sounds like. I tried to do a Spanish impersonation for my English class and I miserably failed. I had to have the Elder from Arizona do one. Even he struggled. We were in tears laughing. Sorry to hear Sam has PTSD about seeing those ducklings getting run over. That's rough. This week our neighbor's dog killed a baby bird learning to fly. The owner tried to save it, but it was too late. So he awkwardly put the baby bird back in the tree and it stood there and bled out then just fell........It was hilarious.

So that's what that movie is. Yeah me and my companion were seeing signs all over town and were trying to figure out if it was a new Avengers movie or something. Spider man was in it? What..? Who's the actor?

My week was really good. Really expensive but really good. We are teaching Maggie the post baptism discussions.  On Wednesday we went down to a town called Jiayi. It was really cool. We took the train and it completely changed my view of Taiwan. It weirded me out because it finally set in that I was in Taiwan. But, Taiwan is really pretty. It's like Nebraska but instead of miles of corn fields it's miles of rice fields. Which is really pretty because it just looks like grass so when we were on the train it was sunny and there was all this rice.

Yeah the training we went to was really cool. It was a half way mark for training and I got to see all of my MTC friends. They all know Chinese way better than me, so I felt pretty stupid. I feel kind of down about it. They're way more ahead than me in the language. I'm retarded when it comes to learning Chinese.

This week we did a lot of door tracting. It was really fun. I love to tract. It's always and adventure when we go out to tract. Mostly because everyone has a house that has a wall around it from 500 BC. So it's always a game to find the door bell/intercom thing. Then it's usually covered in spiders and everything. We've been having a lot of success tracting and it's been really fun.

This week we went to our second area, Dajia. It's just north of where we live. We went to shark bite toast. Which destroyed my wallet. It's so expensive. But, so good. It killed me though.

We've been going to McDonald's a lot this week too. Which isn't good for the body or the wallet. My favorite McDonald's thing is just a spicy chicken sandwich. Everything on the menu is pretty much the same as it would be in America. The only problem is that their ordering system is beyond retarded. You can't just order things off the menu. You have to get certain stuff in combo's so most of the combo's have like tea and so we always are like, "Can we substitute this out for like a coke?" They always give us a hard time and refuse. So we have to like, order. Pay for it. Order again. Pay for it. It's retarded. My new favorite drink is this Mango Slushy. I love everything Mango. Even Mango.

All in all, just another week of feeling like an idiot and not knowing whats going on.

Love, Elder Burge (Bo Zhang Lao)

Zone Training Meeting photos:

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