Monday, May 23, 2016

Going to the Taipei Temple on Wednesday

Hey I'm short on time this week, because we only get an hour. We're going to the Taipei Temple on Wednesday, so my actual P-Day is on Wednesday. I think we will be doing an English session at the temple.

This week has been really good. We've been just doing the same old same old. We got two new investigators this week, and they're really cool, and seem genuinely interested in what we have to teach!

We've been seeing a lot of success from tracting the area, which has been surprising to my companion. It's been really hot here though. I love to tract here. It's always an adventure, and I love it when weird or hilarious stuff happens. We tracted into this old guy and he was super loud and super energetic. He was super happy at the fact that Taiwan got a new president. He kept shouting her name and clapping his hands. It was really funny. It's Taiwanese culture to invite people in I guess. Most people will let us in and give us some warm water (Taiwanese culture) to drink, but will not listen to our message or what we have to say about Jesus. Either way its really fun and there's just always weird stuff going on. Tracting here has been really successful.

I love you all! Sorry not a whole lot of time to write! I love you! I might be emailing Wednesday!

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