Sunday, June 18, 2017

Taiwan is just pretty much under water at this point


This week was pretty good week. But, it rained for most of the week. Taiwan is just pretty much underwater at this point. There's been so much rain that it's been hard to find people and hard to be out working. Me and Elder Hongvilai are just always playing the biggest game of hide and go seek with the rain. So we have to hide under the cover of shops and next to houses or find the nearest seven before the rain get us. It's pretty fun to be honest. Me and Elder Hongvilai just started laughing every time the rain comes back and then by the seconds turns into monsoon rain. Taiwanese people freak out when it rains and they start putting on their heaviest rain gear and stuff. As for me and Elder Hongivlai, we don't really wear rain gear (Sorry Scott, I know you're reading this.) we just don't really see the use. We just get drenched either way because Taiwan is so humid. So, most missionaries in our mission don't wear rain gear, just because either way you get drenched.

We also met with most of our investigators this week. They're all doing pretty good. We were able to get back in contact with Kyle the sniper who said he was going to come to church, but he never made it to church. So, that kind of sucked. But, he sounded good and told me that he was on vacation for over a week, so we should be able to meet with him again this week. Then our other investigators are still trying to figure out the whole parent situation... So that's kind of rough. But, we could totally get a really fast baptism if our investigator can talk to her parents. I hope it goes well. She's just really scared to talk to her parents about it obviously...

This week we also got the call that an elder was in the hospital. Apparently, his pancreas had a problem and then they also found out that he also had a lot of other problems as well. So we visited him, and I've decided that if I'm ever hospitalized in Taiwan I'll probably just want to go home. He told me some awful stories about how they weren't giving him enough pain killers and how none of the medicine was working, because they keep giving him a does for a small Asian man. So he was in a lot of pain and has some awful stories. I felt pretty bad for him, but he's doing really good now.

Oh! On P-day we went to Kending again. It was a lot cooler this time, because it was very stormy so the waves were pretty big. It was fun to stand on the shore and watch the huge waves come in. It was pretty fun.

As for today's P-day we're going to FoGuangShan. Which is the giant Buddha. I've kind of been everywhere in Gaoxiong, so I'm just going where everyone else wants to go. Going to FoGuangShan is kind of awkward. It's a Buddhist monastery, so it's kind of awkward to walk in as a Mormon missionary. But, they are all super nice and respectful. So....

Glad to hear things are slowly settling down back at home. Sounds like things are pretty crazy as usual.

I love you all so very much!!

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