Sunday, January 22, 2017

We got a sweet referral from the Wuchuan zone leaders

Hello! Happy Year Mark on my misson!!

This week was really good. We got transfer calls and I learned...........I'm not moving.. I'm with Elder Meanea again for another transfer in Beitun. I will probably be here for 6 months....Heh....

Yeah we've been seeing a lot of stuff on the news about Donald Trump. Especially with the stuff about "He's sick of China raping our country." Me and Elder Meanea were laughing pretty hard hahaha! Sounds like things are still really crazy.

Mom's hair looks really good! Freak, Kayleigh is so talented at cutting hair.

I heard Hunter's sister is coming to the mission in the summer. Scott was very excited. It'll be cool to see her. We were in the same Chinese class in high school so it'd be super weird to see her.

Well I hope that everything gets worked out and things go well!!

This week was really good. On Monday we went to the DaKeng mountains with the elders. It was really cool. The trail is basically ladders and stuff. It's actually really dangerous and we had elders almost slipping to their deaths at multiple times. Hiking in Asia is kind of sketchy. Unfortunately we didn't see any monkeys but we got these really cool photos and stuff. It's really pretty up there. But of course I forgot my camera.. Sorry. Scott was a trooper because he took us and was still a little sick. Thanks Scott!!

Yeah this week was pretty boring. The streets just start to have less and less people. It's already hard to contact in Beitun but now there's not going to be anybody in a couple days. Chinese New Year is a BIG deal in Taiwan. So there's going to be lots of eating and then more eating and fireworks. Basically no one will set up with you or want to do anything church related. Everyone is out of town and stuff. It's tough...

On the bright side we saw a miracle this week. We got a sweet referral from the Wuchuan zone leaders. They found a 18 year old guy that was an exchange student in UT. He went to high school at Summit in SLC. He's super cool and his English is really. good. He said Utah was the best place in the world. He wants to go back and live there. He says that he wanted to know more about the LDS church since everyone he met was basically LDS. He's really cool and has a baptismal goal for 2/25. So we could probably get a baptism this transfer. He also is really into MMA. His name is Rollins or his Chinese name is pronounced John. We call him Rollins.

That's pretty much it for this week. Nothing else interesting happened. It was just kind of the same old same old....

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